SDLC Big Bang Model

Some other SDLC models do not follow any specific phases and procedures. There are models where development starts with the necessary money and efforts /workforce as the input, and the software product may or may not be based on the client's requirement as the output. This Big Bang model is a software development model that does not follow any specific protocol, and hence its planning needs are minimal. When the client is not sure about the requirements and needs for developing the project entirely or implementation has to be done on the fly with the least analysis, Big Bang Model came into the picture. In this chapter, you will learn about the Big Bang SDLC model in detail.

The Big Bang SDLC Model

The Big Bang Model is popular in situations or adopted when the project's stakeholders or customers are not certain regarding their wants and requirements. They have also haven't analyzed all the essential features and characteristics that they plan to incorporate into their system. In this model, all or most of the requirements are understood and put into practice as they begin developing the prototype.

The primary target lingers in writing code as well as delivering the ultimate product to the customers. This model holds no planning or analysis, so this model involves many risks than other SDLC models. Though this model is moderately too simple to implement, there is still an imbalance in developing a product without proper analysis. Big Bang SDLC model accentuates every module's testing as soon as they are prepared and ready to integrate. These modules are then integrated and tested by executing the entire product to check if there is any bug occurrence within the system. Big Bang model can be phase out into the following points:

  • In this development model, modules get integrated as all the individual modules are entirely built and are not integrated separately or individually.
  • Each module is tested independently to look for bugs or defects.
  • In case there is any bug or error in any module, the module is disintegrated, and the root cause of the problem is identified.

Implementation and Requirement of Big Bang Model

This model is perfect and suitable if the software development project is a small one where 2 to 3 developers work together to build a system or just as a dummy project. The model is also suitable if all the requirements are not appropriately understood, and the deadline for the release of the system is not declared.

Benefits of Using Big Bang Model

  • This is quite a simple model.
  • Implementing this model makes managing tasks easier.
  • It required zero planning.
  • Developers have huge flexibility in developing the entire product.
  • Resources necessary for developing the product is only a few.

Drawbacks of Using Big Bang Model

  • This model is not appropriate for big or complex projects.
  • Very meager model for building long and constant projects.
  • Holds very high risk with uncertainty.

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