In PHP, a variable's data type is not determined by the developer. At the time of interpretation of the web page, PHP decides the data type of variables.
Data Types available in PHP:
- Numeric
- String
- Boolean
- Array
- object
- Resource
Numeric Data Type
There are two different numeric data types, which are used for number:
- Integer
- Double (floating point numbers)
Integer Data Type
Integer data type has full number values.
$intValue = 100;
Double Data Type
Floating point numbers are the contains Double.
$doubValue = 55.5;
String Data Type
String data type contains letters or textual information. Value is assigned to the double or single quotes.
$strName = "Neel";
$strId = "Neel456";
Converting Between Data Types
$a = 9.88;
echo (int) $a; // Outputs 9
Values cannot be converted to certain types; for example, you cannot convert any value into a resource. However, you can convert a resource into a numerical or string data type, in which case PHP will return the numeric ID of the resource, or the string Resource id # followed by the resource ID.
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