Software Virtualization

It is also called application virtualization is the practice of running software from a remote server. Software virtualization is similar to that of virtualization except that it is capable to abstract the software installation procedure and create virtual software installation. Many applications & their distributions became typical tasks for IT firms and departments. The mechanism for installing an application differs. So virtualized software is introduced which is an application that will be installed into its self-contained unit and provide software virtualization. Some of the examples are Virtual Box, VMware, etc.

The DLL (Data Link Layer) redirect the entire virtualized program's calls to the file system of the server. When the software is run from the server in this procedure, no changes are required to be made on the local system.

Advantages of Software Virtualization

  1. Ease of Client Deployment: Virtual software makes it easy to link a file in a network or file copying to the workstation.
  2. Software Migration: Before the concept of virtualization, shifting from one software platform to another was time-consuming; and has a significant impact on the end-system user. The software virtualization environment makes migration easier.
  3. Easy to Manage: Application updates become a simple task.

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