C Strings

In C programming, one-dimensional arrays of characters are called strings, terminated by a null character '\0'. In this tutorial, you will learn about C Strings, how it works in the C language and how you can use them in your C program.

Strings Declaration in C

There are two ways to declare a string in C programming:


Through an array of characters.

char name[6];

Through pointers.

char *name;

Strings Initialization in C


char name[6] = {'C', 'l', 'o', 'u', 'd', '\0'};


char name[] = "Cloud";

Memory Representation of Above Defined String in C




int main ()
    char name[6] = {'C', 'l', 'o', 'u', 'd', '\0'};

    printf("Tutorials%s\n", name );

    return 0;

Program Output:


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