C Arrays

The array is a data structure in C programming that can store a fixed-size sequential collection of elements of the same data type. In this tutorial, you will learn to use arrays in C programming.

For example, if you want to store ten numbers, it is easier to define an array of 10 lengths instead of ten variables.

In the C programming language, an array can be One-Dimensional, Two-Dimensional, and Multidimensional.

Define an Array in C


type arrayName [ size ];

This is called a one-dimensional array. An array type can be any valid C data type, and the array size must be an integer constant greater than zero.


double amount[5];

Initialize an Array in C

Arrays can be initialized at declaration time:


int age[5] = {22,25,30,32,35};

Initializing each element separately in a loop:

int myArray[5];
int n = 0;

// Initializing elements of the array separately.
  myArray[n] = n; 

A Pictorial Representation of the Array:


Accessing Array Elements in C


int myArray[5];
int n = 0;

// Initializing elements of array seperately.
    myArray[n] = n;

int a = myArray[3]; // Assigning 3rd element of array value to integer 'a'.

C Arrays - Video Tutorial

Please watch this video tutorial to understand "C Arrays" in depth.

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